Type: MRCC, Country: Mexico, SRR: Gulf of Mexico and Carribean | Mexico SRR
Latitude, Longitude:
+52 555 624 6500 alternate: +52 555 624 6200 ext 1000Email:
[email protected]Fax:
+52 55 5684 9642Website:
22 1772649Notes:
The Mexican Navy is responsible for co-ordinating Search and Rescue operations within the limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean.SAR Contact Information Incorrect?
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3 Change Requests
Show / Hide CR Details newRequest #3 - 2017-11-13 23:56:34
SAR Contact Name
- old = MRCC Mexico
- new = MRCC Mexico - Army for Air Cases
Contact Types
- old = MRCC
- new = ARCC
- old = Mexico SRR, Gulf of Mexico and Carribean
- new = Mexico SRR
- old = +52 555 624 6500
- new = +52 555 624 6500
Telephone Note
- old = alternate: +52 555 624 6200 ext 1000
- new = alternate: +52 555 624 6200 ext 1000 After calling both the primary and alternate numbers, and not finding anyone that knew anything about air cases I was given the following number: +52 555 624 6599 ext 1000. The person at the end of this phone was clearly and air coordinator, who had the HEX ID of the ELT I was investigating, and this person confirmed they were SMC and were already working the case. I believe this number should be added for resolution of air cases. There was some language issues(I was using a translator) but the person was identified as Mexican Army.
Show / Hide CR Details newRequest #2 - 2017-05-19 16:54:22
Contact Types
- old = NSA
- new = MRCC
- old =
- new = Mexico SRR
- old =
- new = 19°19'15.6"N
- old =
- new = 99°07'36.9"W
Telephone Note
- old = alternate:
- new = alternate: 52 555 624 6500 ext 1000
- old = [email protected]
- new = [email protected]
- old = 52 555 677 6762
- new = 52 56 84 96 42
Show / Hide CR Details newRequest #1 - 2017-05-19 16:47:49
Contact Types
- old = NSA
- new = MRCC
- old =
- new = Mexico SRR
- old =
- new = 19°19'15.6"N
- old =
- new = 99°07'36.9"W
- old = [email protected]
- new = [email protected]
- old = 52 555 677 6762
- new = 56 84 96 42
Fax Note
- old = Second fax 52 555 624 6336
- new =
Map of SAR Contacts found in Mexico (that have location data entered)
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