Type: JRCC, Country: Estonia, SRR: SRR Estonia
Latitude, Longitude:
+372 6 191 224 Alternate phone:+372 6 191 226 /+372 6 922 500 /+372 5260511 (mob)Email:
[email protected]Fax:
+372 6 922 501Police and Border Guard Board:
Inmarsat-C (AOR-E)492 480 040Telex:
COSPAS-SARSAT SPOC (for EPIRB, ELT and PLB) and Maritime Assistance Service .MMSI# 002760100.
Contacts for coordination of Places of Refuge: JRCC Tallinn VHF Ch 16/69
SAR Contact Information Incorrect?
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2 Change Requests
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- old = 372 6 191 224
- new = +372 6 191 224
Telephone Note
- old = Alternate phone: 191 226 / 922 500 / 5 5260511
- new = Alternate phone:+372 6 191 226 /+372 6 922 500 /+372 5260511 (mob)
- old = 372 6 922 501
- new = +372 6 922 501
- old = COSPAS-SARSAT SPOC and Maritime Assistance Service . MMSI# 002760100.
- new = COSPAS-SARSAT SPOC (for EPIRB, ELT and PLB) and Maritime Assistance Service . MMSI# 002760100. Contacts for coordination of Places of Refuge: JRCC Tallinn VHF Ch 16/69
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URL Label
- old =
- new = Police and Border Guard Board
Website (URL Text)
- old =
- new = http://www.politsei.ee/
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