Finnish Border Guard Headquarters, SAR Branch

Type: , Country: , SRR:
Latitude, Longitude:
+358 2954 1000 [email protected]
The authority responsible for the Maritime Search and Rescue Service in Finland is the Border Guard. Organizationally the Search and Rescue Service is identical with the Coast Guard Districts of the Border Guard. The top level is formed by the Border Guard HQ. The SAR Service is assisted by a national maritime Search and Rescue committee, a body under the Border Guard HQ. MRCC Turku is the central point of contact in operational maritime search and rescue matters. MRCC Turku and MRSC Helsinki maintain a continuous listening watch on international distress frequencies including VHF DSC Ch 70, VHF 16, and MF DSC 2187.5 kHz. The call by radio is ""Rescue Centre"" Turku or Helsinki. - Telemedical Assistance Service: Contact via MRCC Turku or MRSC Helsinki. Possibsle consultation languages: English, Finnish and Swedish. The social and health authorities provide advice.
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